eCommerce copywriter Sample Task:
hilarious, conversion driven copy.

eCommerce copywriter Sample Task:
hilarious, conversion driven copy.

Your Mission:

your task is to craft a conversion driven email with 50-100 words for an american apparel golf brand. you'll craft an email for our polo collection. we won't give you a set layout/format as we want to see your knowledge and how you would structure your copy.

Brand Overview:

Bogey Bros Golf Co, situated in the golf apparel niche, seamlessly blends humor, sarcasm, and top-quality to deliver clever and unique products. Targeting mainly males aged 18-50, it’s a brand for individuals who seek enjoyment in the game of golf and who value a good laugh coupled with quality.

Brand Inspiration & Voice:

  • Main Inspiration: Shinesty is the brand's primary inspiration. The brand has perfectly nailed the voice that Bogey Bros Golf Co aspires to embody. Copywriters should study and model Shinesty’s style, signing up to their communications to understand the essence of their approach.

  • Voice: Playful, sarcastic, humorous but not over the top. The brand never takes life too seriously, avoiding anything that feels forced, cheesy, or overly corny.

  • Objective: Marry the brand’s comedic, sarcastic tone with conversion-driven copy, leveraging an understanding of consumer psychology and eCommerce behavior to create effective and powerful communications.

Brand Values:

  • Quality & Originality: The brand is committed to offering products that are not just amusing and distinctive but are also of superior quality.

  • Customer Satisfaction & Engagement: Strives for customer happiness through engaging and entertaining content and hassle-free experiences, resolving any issue promptly.

  • Entertainment: The brand is in the business of creating moments of laughter and joy, symbolizing the lighter side of life.

Unique Value Propositions:

  • Exceptional Quality: The brand showcases its commitment to quality through premium performance material and exceptional design.

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Rated 4.8/5 on Trustpilot, the brand goes above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction with free shipping, returns, and exchanges.

  • Ethically Committed: The brand operates under high ethical standards, as reflected by its “grass-fed employees.”

Customer Demographics:

  • Gender: Primarily male end-users and females purchasing gifts.

  • Age Range: 18-50 years.

  • Location: Predominantly the United States and anywhere golf is played.

Customer Desires & Challenges:

  • Desire: To find products that are humorous, of high quality, and create camaraderie among peers.

  • Challenges: Potential customers often deal with poor customer service, uninspiring designs, and long shipping times from other brands.

Top Competitors:

  1. Pins and Aces

  2. Sunday Swagger

  3. Golf Gods

  4. Usuckatgolf

  5. Bad Birdie

Writing Style:

  • Conversion-Driven & Persuasive: The writing must be deeply rooted in consumer behavior and psychology to craft compelling copy that drives conversion, blending humor and sophistication.

  • Incorporate 5 Power Reasons People Buy:

    1. Ownership

    2. Social Proof

    3. Urgency/Scarcity

    4. Reciprocity

    5. Status

Writing Guidelines:

  • Emails: Concise, engaging, and effective copy within 50-150 words.

  • SMS: Short, impactful, and conversion-oriented messages under 160 characters.

Instruction for the Copywriter:

Develop copy that is playful, sarcastic, and conversion-oriented, ensuring that it aligns with Bogey Bros Golf Co’s distinct voice and ethos. Each piece of content should be a harmonious blend of humor, sarcasm, and sophistication, avoiding anything corny or forced. The focus should be on creating engaging, conversion-driven content that reflects the brand's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, embodying the lighter, enjoyable side of life and the game of golf.

Final Note to Copywriter:

Every word you pen should not only echo Bogey Bros Golf Co’s unique voice but should also be a powerful driver for conversions. Understand the brand, the inspiration from Shinesty, the playful sarcasm, and the consumer psyche to craft content that is not just a representation of the brand's humor but is also a compelling call to action for the consumer. Keep it witty, keep it clever, keep it conversion-centric, and embody the spirit of Bogey!

What We're Looking For:

  1. Conversion First: Showcase your understanding of consumer pyschology by displaying powerful techniques that persuade customers to buy.

  2. Comedy: MAKE US LAUGH. This particular brand loves COMEDY. just check out their website for some inspiration.

  3. Capture Attention: Grab our attention by crafting a powerful headline that creates a sense of I WANT TO READ MORE or I WANT THIS PRODUCT.

  4. Conversational: Your copy MUST be conversational, if you sound like an advertisement I probably WON'T read it. Be conversational, pull me into the copy and make me want to read more.

  5. Features/Benefits: It's important to showcase the features of a product in eCommerce whilst tying it into the benefit. Show me how you can highlight features in a funny, but convincing way.


What happens next? Good question…

After you have finished crafting your copy please SAVE it as a PDF and then upload that PDF into the section below.

If we LOVE your copy we'll be in touch. If not, we appreciate you.


If you don't hear back from us, it's likely that your work wasn't the right fit for our agency at this time. We appreciate your effort and thank you for your interest in joining our team.

Ready to Get Started?

Here's the copy for the email. You have full creative freedom to turn it into something special. Good luck!

Ready to Get Started?

Here's the copy for the email. You have full creative freedom to turn it into something special. Good luck!


When you're done
submit your work!